Reiki Healing Sessions
In person or Remote
Reiki for pets
Crystal healing
Color therapy
Clinical Aromatherapy
Reiki Courses, First degree to Master level
Gourmet Chef services
Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian
Specialty cooking / prep classes
Breakfast basics, naked barbeque,
Decadent desserts & more
Rawvolutionizng your life consultations
Kitchen prep, shopping, preparation techniques
Healy Frequency Sessions
Healy is a revolutionary microcurrent medical device that has been
cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute,
chronic, and arthritic pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion.
The Healy device improves the body’s cellular, emotional,
and energetic levels to activate self-healing and optimize balance.
The Goddesses have been trampled out of temples, written out of text and taken out of History.
The world is imbalanced because of this, and the Goddesses are needed now more than ever.
Join us as we unravel the tight grip of the patriarchy to resurrect the Goddesses back
onto Earth and into the Golden Age.